SECO Luxembourg has moved to Bertrange !
We are pleased to announce our move to the following address:
Building ZeCo²
12, rue des Mérovingiens
L-8070 Bertrange
On this occasion, we have decided to change the name of our companies:
Secolux SA becomes SECO Luxembourg SA
Secolux ASBL becomes SECO Safety ASBL
However, your contact persons, e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, VAT and commercial register numbers remain the same.

Access map to the offices | Bourmicht area in Bertrange
About SECO Luxembourg
For more than 30 years, SECO Luxembourg and its 80 experts have been assisting investors, consulting engineers, architects, contractors and operators in advanced technical control, advisory and inspection tasks. Our teams of specialists assist you in all phases of your project, both in the design and execution phases.
We control quality to meet standards and guarantee health and safety. Through our three departments, we offer you specialized assignments in many technical fields while integrating functional, ecological and economic aspects. The result is our added value for all your projects and technical challenges.
Our services
For more info, contact us :
Telephone +352 46 08 92 1
Mail : info.lux@groupseco.com
Facebook @secoluxembourg
LinkedIn @secoluxembourg