SECO & The Bank of Africa Tower project

Projects & references

SECO & The Bank of Africa Tower project

SECO is Proud to announce his participation to the Bank of Africa Tower project

SECO is assigned in collaboration with BESIX to external checking of the execution design of the new Bank of Africa Tower also called "Mohammed VI tower". This Tower will have a final area of 80.000 m² for a height of 250 m and will an independent superstructure of the podium.

Proud to be part of this outstanding project

SECO will once again have the opportunity to put its competences at disposal by taking up the following challenges:

  • Deferred deformation of the concrete core of the tower with respect to the steel envelope (shrinkage)

  • Monolithic behavior of the raft (junction base part - tower part)

  • Influence of final characteristics on wind assumptions (interpretation of wind tunnel tests / dynamic effects)

  • Influence of the horizontal deformations on the façade

  • Local effects of wind (+ abrasion)

  • Negative friction effects on the foundations (settlement of the silt / variation of ground water level, etc.)

  • Realization of deep foundations in soils with very low geotechnical characteristics

  • Effect of possible liquefaction on bearing capacity in seismic situation

  • Settling of the silt layers under the foundation loads of the base piles

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